신재난의학아카데미 제2차 재난의학에서 인도주의 대응 웨비나 강의 (무료)
주제: 재난의학에서의 인도주의 대응
소주제: 세상을 향한 그들의 이야기에 귀를 기울여 보세요
좌측 비디오를 클릭 하시면 시청 할 수 있습니다.
2nd Webinar of the SDMA
Main topic: Humanitarian Response in Disaster Medicine
Subtopic: Please listen to their stories directed towards the world
Speakers: Dr Rajeev Fernando and Dr. Radwan Albarbandi
Topic: Humanitarian Response Experience in Ukraine
Speaker: Dr. Rajeev Fernando
- Disaster Medicine Fellow at BIDMC Disaster Medicine Fellowship/Harvard Medical School
- Co-chair of the Infectious Diseases Special Interest Group at the World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine (WADEM)
- Director of field operations at the Association of Disaster Medicine and Public Health.
Topic: Pillars of the Humanitarian Aid
Speaker: Dr. Radwan Al Barbandi
- Disaster Medicine Fellow, Fellowship in Disaster Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard teaching hospitals 2022- 2023
- Fellow, Fellowship of the Australian College of General Practitioners 2018
- Member, the Royal College of General Practitioners 2014
- FIFA Diploma, Football Medicine
– Fédération Internationale de Football Association
Q n A
교육 내용: “대한민국에 왜 CTM 교육과 CTM 전문가가 필요한가?”라는 주제로 대테러의학의 교육
강의 주제 목록:
1. 대한민국이 직면한 테러의 도전과 동아시아에서의 테러 리뷰 (연자: 신희준 MD, MS)
-> 본 게시글 좌측에 동영상으로 공개 되어 있습니다.
2. 하이브리드 전쟁 및 대테러의학 (연자: Derrick Tin MBBS)
Q n A
3. 핵심 인프라를 대상으로 하는 테러 공격의 의료 영향 고찰 (연자: Cara Taubman MD, MPH)
4. 사이버 보안 및 인도주의적 지원에 대한 대테러 의학 (연자: Ryan Hata, MD, FAAEM)
Q n A
5. 무인항공기(드론) 공격의 대테러 의학적 위험성
(연자: 미국 국가 안보 컨설턴트 및 과학자 Zachary Kallenborn)
6. 9/11 테러 공격 경험과 대한민국에서의 대테러의학의 필요성
(연자: Gregory Ciottone, MD, FACEP, FFSEM)
Q n A
2023년 9월 11일 신재난의학아카데미 (SDMA) 대테러의학 온라인 웨비나 되돌이 강의의 교육 시청과 인증을 원하시는 분은 등록 링크 ( https://forms.gle/8xCCHvAA1gipwSa36 ) 에 접속하시어 안내에 따라 등록 절차를 마무리해 주시고 info@shinsdmacademy.com 으로 확인 요청 메일을 보내 주시기 바랍니다.
강의는 홈페이지 좌측에 공개된 1. 대한민국이 직면한 테러의 도전과 동아시아에서의 테러 리뷰 (연자: 신희준 MD, MS) 동영상을 제외한 나머지 2 - 6 주제의 동영상 강의 링크를 보내드립니다. 강의는 영어로 진행되며 한글 자막이 제공됩니다.
신재난의학아카데미 CTM 웨비나 교육 인증 [Shin's Disaster Medicine Academy (SDMA) CTM Webinar Education Certification]
사전 테스트 작성, 웨비나 수강, 사후 테스트 작성, 설문 작성 이후 info@shinsdmacademy.com 으로 승인 요청메일을 주시면 확인 후 연자 이름이 기재된 SDMA CTM Webinar Education Certification 을 메일로 발행해 드립니다. 사전 테스트, 사후 테스트, 및 설문 링크는 등록 확인 후 메일로 보내드립니다.
Guidance and Certification Information for the Shin's Disaster Medicine Academy (SDMA) 1st Counter-Terrorism Medicine (CTM) Replay Webinar Education on September 11th, 2023
Educational Content: Addressing the topic, "Why does South Korea need CTM education and CTM experts?", this course provides education on counter-terrorism medicine.
Lecture Topics:
1. Challenges of Terrorism Faced by South Korea & Terrorism Review in East Asia
2. Hybrid Warfare and Counter-Terrorism Medicine
3. Medical Implications Review of Terror Attacks Targeting Core Infrastructure
4. Counter-Terrorism Medicine Concerning Cybersecurity and Humanitarian Assistance
5. Medical Risks of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drone) Attacks
6. Experiences from the 9/11 Terror Attacks and the Need for Counter-Terrorism Medicine in South Korea
For those interested in viewing and receiving certification for the Shin's Disaster Medicine Academy (SDMA) Counter-Terrorism Medicine Online Webinar Review Lecture on September 11, 2023, please complete the registration process by visiting the registration link ( https://forms.gle/8xCCHvAA1gipwSa36 ) and send a verification request email to info@shinsdmacademy.com. Apart from the video of topic 1, links to the videos of topics (2 - 6) will be sent to you. The lecture is conducted in English and Korean subtitles are provided.
Shin's Disaster Medicine Academy (SDMA) CTM Webinar Education Certification:
After completing the pre-test, attending the webinar, writing the post-test, and completing the survey, please send an approval request email to info@shinsdmacademy.com.
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Boston
Harvard Medical School
Founder and Founding Director of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
BIDMC Disaster Medicine Fellowship
President Emeritus of the World Association for Disaster and
Emergency Medicine (WADEM)
Author and editor of Ciottone’s Disaster
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Boston
Harvard Medical School
Founder and Founding Director of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical
BIDMC Disaster Medicine Fellowship
President Emeritus of the World Association for Disaster and
Emergency Medicine (WADEM)
Author and editor of Ciottone’s Disaster Medicine Book
Founder of Counter Terrorism Medicine (CTM)
Gregory Ciottone,
Core faculty of disaster medicine at BIDMC and Harvard
Medical School
Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine at the
University of Melbourne
Current B oard of Director in WADEM (2023 present)
Former co chair of WADEM CTM Special Interest Group
Global Ambassador of the National Preparedness Leadership
Initiative (NPLI) program
Core faculty of disaster medicine at BIDMC and Harvard
Medical School
Associate Professor of Critical Care Medicine at the
University of Melbourne
Current B oard of Director in WADEM (2023 present)
Former co chair of WADEM CTM Special Interest Group
Global Ambassador of the National Preparedness Leadership
Initiative (NPLI) program at Harvard University
LinkedIn ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/derricktin
Adjunct Fellow (Non resident) with the Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS)
Policy Fellow at the Schar School of Policy and Government
Fellow at the National Institute for Deterrence Studies
Research Affiliate with the Unconventional Weapons and
Technology Division of the National Consortium for the Study of
Terrorism and Re
Adjunct Fellow (Non resident) with the Center for Strategic and
International Studies (CSIS)
Policy Fellow at the Schar School of Policy and Government
Fellow at the National Institute for Deterrence Studies
Research Affiliate with the Unconventional Weapons and
Technology Division of the National Consortium for the Study of
Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START)
A n officially proclaimed U.S. Army "Mad Scientist,"
US N ational S ecurity C onsultant
Science advisor for the Netflix series “Unknown: Killer Robots”
Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine at Indiana
University School of Medicine
Chair of WADEM CTM Special Interest Group (2023 present)
D isaster M edicine F ellow at Harvard Medical School and
BIDMC Disaster Medicine Fellowship (2022
Fellow of the American Academy of Emergency Medicine
LinkedIn: ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryan hata md 50a5b3245 )
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harlem Hospital,
New York
Director of Emergency Medicine Residency Program
D isaster M edicine F ellow at Harvard Medical School and
BIDMC Disaster Medicine Fellowship (2022
Member of WADEM and BIDMC CTM Special Interest Group
Advisor for disaster preparedness and response to the Institute o
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Harlem Hospital,
New York
Director of Emergency Medicine Residency Program
D isaster M edicine F ellow at Harvard Medical School and
BIDMC Disaster Medicine Fellowship (2022
Member of WADEM and BIDMC CTM Special Interest Group
Advisor for disaster preparedness and response to the Institute of
Disease and Disaster Management / New York City Health and
Hospital Alliance
LinkedIn: ( https://www.linkedin.com/in/cara taubman 35b0b797 )
CEO/ Founder/ Director of the Shin's Disaster Medicine Academy
Adjunct F aculty in the CBRNE E ducation D ivision of BIDMC
Disaster Medicine Fellowship (2023. 9
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Soonchunhyang
Bucheon Hospital (2021 present)
Former Chairman of the Korean Research Society of Chemical
Injury (2021. 1
CEO/ Founder/ Director of the Shin's Disaster Medicine Academy
Adjunct F aculty in the CBRNE E ducation D ivision of BIDMC
Disaster Medicine Fellowship (2023. 9
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at Soonchunhyang
Bucheon Hospital (2021 present)
Former Chairman of the Korean Research Society of Chemical
Injury (2021. 11
2023. 1)
Founder and Director of the 2023 WADEM Killarney
DISTURBIA (or CBRNE) Workshop (2023. 5)
CBRNe Instructor R epresenting Harvard Medical School
BIDMC DM Fellowship at the CEMEC CBRNe Disaster & Incident Risk Management Course
Hosted by San Marino
European Disaster Medicine Center
Member of WADEM and BIDMC CTM
Special Interest Group
당사는 웹사이트 트래픽을 분석하고 귀하의 웹사이트 경험을 최적화하기 위해 쿠키를 사용합니다. 당사의 쿠키 사용을 수락하면 귀하의 데이터가 기타 모든 사용자 데이터와 함께 집계됩니다.